T.G.I.F – Wedding Style

Filed under: Blog

Posted by Holiday Inn Lakeville
12 years ago | July 12, 2013

In the spirit of it being Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to write about an often overlooked opportunity…Friday Weddings!

After he pops the question, one of the first questions you’ll be asked, after the proposal story of course, is if you’ve picked a date. Not having an answer for all the eager inquiries is totally okay – I promise! However, as you and your fiancé begin flipping through the calendar…I encourage you to expand the stereotypical horizon and glance through some Fridays, especially if you’re looking at a Summer or Fall date. Not sold? You will be…

  • Your guests may appreciate having Saturday free to spend with either yourself and your groom or other guests they know while they’re in town.
  • Spiralling off of that, the author of Wedding Planning for Dummies, Marcy Blum reports, “weddings have really become very much of a weekend event”. Meaning, having your guests come in on a Friday allows you to create a weekend of wedding festivities, spending more “personable” time with your guests. For example: Groom’s Dinner – Thursday night, Wedding – Friday night, Gift Opening or Brunch – Saturday morning, and then you’re both off…you two on your honeymoon and them on their flight back home!
  • Some churches have limited availability for Saturday afternoons due to holding Saturday evening services. In many cases, couples and wedding guests must be out of the church 4pm, if not earlier.
  • The true selling piece – it’s a major budget saver! Brides who have hosted Friday weddings report saving anywhere from 25 to 30 percent on their overall wedding expenses. Many vendors throughout the industry will lower their costs for Friday weddings, making it more obtainable for you to book your favorite deejay or photographer.
  • While on the topic of vendors, planning a Friday wedding is a great way to ensure availability of even the most popular wedding industry professionals. It will save you from hearing, “I’m sorry, we’re booked.” over and over again.
  • Fridays are perfect for couples who have chosen the Destination Wedding route and would like to host a reception back home for their families. Due to not having a ceremony the day of the event, there isn’t as much of a need for a full day of scheduled events.

If you need more incentive, make a stop in and see us…you’ll even get a complimentary bottle of champagne, and who doesn’t want that?!

Have a great Friday!

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